Advertising Research Archives - Persuadable Research Corporation

Marketing Directors Are Like NASA Scientists

Plan, Prepare, Pay… Then Pray It might not seem so, but as a marketing director, you are like a NASA scientist. Both you and they plan years in advance and spend lots of money to launch new products – sometimes into the known, sometimes into the great unknown. NASA’s current Juno space probe is an

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Pre/Post-Awareness Case Study

Measuring Awareness, Trial & Usage   CHALLENGES A company with multiple regional brands was looking to measure awareness, trial, usage, and campaign effectiveness among heavy users within the category. Uncover changes in “top of mind” (TOM) and aided recall, ad recall, changes in purchase behavior, and future purchase intent Determine if re-positioning efforts were getting

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Market Research

Market Research

Market research is the process of gathering, recording, and analyzing data in order to gain insight into the consumer’s mind, whether that consumer is a “general population” buyer of CPG products or a complex Business to Business (B2B) marketing target. The goal of market research is to identify wants, needs or beliefs so that companies

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